![Pursuing Goals God’s Way: Goal Planning and Business Strategy for Christian Entrepreneurs](https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/usat3q/Pursuing_Goals_God_s_Way_Podbean_Banner9glne.png)
![Pursuing Goals God’s Way: Goal Planning and Business Strategy for Christian Entrepreneurs](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb.png)
Have you thought about finally starting that business now that your kids are older? Do you ever stay awake wondering how to mesh your passions into purposeful work? Do you have big, ambitious goals, but feel overwhelmed or even unqualified to pursue them? Do you desire simplicity and a life without hurry, but you still want to pursue your goals? With inflation skyrocketing, you may be feeling the need to make some extra money to take the pressure off at home or just to have fun money again, and you’re also ready to make an impact outside your home bubble. Turning your knowledge into an online business sounds like a great side hustle to consider. But... you don’t want to sacrifice your family time, and you have no idea where to start! It sounds simple enough, but you’re asking yourself if you’re good enough, if you know enough, if people will want what you have to offer, and if you have what it takes to make something like this work for you in the season you’re in. Well, in this podcast, I will help you clarify your goals and teach you how to use your interests to define your purpose. I’ll help you create systems so you can find the time you need to take action. You’ll learn how to create an atmosphere of simplicity and a life without hurry by setting boundaries, decluttering your schedule and mind, and ditching the distractions so you can finally be present right where you are while growing a successful online business. I have no doubt that you can both make an impact and money all while enjoying what you do. My ultimate mission is to help you step into the fire of refinement so God can mold and shape you into a woman ready to tackle the vision He placed in your heart. If you’re ready to say yes to what’s next and get unstuck, you’re in the right place. Hey, I’m Gabe. A wife, mom, writer, runner, and Jesus lover! For years I put my dreams on the shelf thinking I had to sacrifice my own desires for motherhood. I thought I needed to be everything to everyone, but in the process I lost myself. I felt so scattered because I had way too many things on my plate, and I made all the excuses! What I realize now, after hitting a massive goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, is that my kids need me to pursue my own goals so I can be their best example. They need to see me win - and yours do too! As a running enthusiast, I believe life is one massive marathon, so if you’re ready to turn your passion and purpose into impact and income all for the glory of God, then lace up those running shoes, pop in your ear buds, and let’s do this thing! Step into the fire with me because I know you will come out stronger. Topics: simple goal planning, setting goals you’ll take action on, online business strategy, simplified business organization, action taking that works Learn - https://redhotmindset.com Grow: https://redhotmindset.newzenler.com/f/rhm-newsletter Community: https://redhotmindset.com/rha
![Ep 142 | 5 Things You Should Delegate to Find Time for Your Goals](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Friday May 06, 2022
Ep 142 | 5 Things You Should Delegate to Find Time for Your Goals
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
You want to work toward the goal you have right now, but every time you think about it, you also see a messy house and all the to-dos that need to get done. And, if you're not doing them, who will? Am I right?
Well, that doesn't have to be the case!
You worry about the to-dos because you feel like you're expected to be the one to do them all. Cleaning, driving, laundry, cooking, shopping, bedtime, prepping for school, and the list goes on. I'm worn out just listing the things off!
I was always burned out and frustrated when I tried to do it all. In a season where I literally couldn't because my plate was so full, I learned delegation. I haven't looked back since!
Today we dive into 5 things you should delegate to find time for your goals. Are you ready?
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/5-things-you-should-delegate-to-find-time-for-your-goals-episode-142/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![Ep 141 | Change How You Set Goals - 3 Tips for Setting Realistic, Doable Goals in Motherhood](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Hey Winner,
Think about how you've set goals in the past. Have you followed a certain method? Have you set huge, monumental goals that you didn't even believe? Did you set monetary goals or numbers-based goals that may not have been in your control?
Well, I have done that too. I began my journey of setting goals thinking I had to set outlandish goals that seemed completely impossible. Granted, I love big dreams, and we should imagine huge, but that is not how to set the best goals that will take you to the finish line.
So, today, I want you to forget about everything you've learned about setting goals, come into this episode with fresh ears, bring a notebook and pen, and let's talk about the best way to set goals that you are confident in and that you will put the action toward.
These are the best kinds of goals!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://redhotmindset.com/change-how-you-set-goals-3-tips-for-setting-realistic-doable-goals-in-motherhood-episode-141/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![Ep 140 | 6 Tips to Create White Space for Yourself - How to Find ME Time in the Busy-ness of Motherhood](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Hey Winner,
Finding ME time can be quite taboo these days, but creating white space in your life can affect how you show up. When you have peace in the midst of a busy season, you show up rested and ready to tackle whatever comes. Peace comes from creating that time for yourself to just be. The quiet is a place to think, pray, and be creative.
The white space, the quiet, is good for us! In the noisy world we live in, we think we need to have background noise 24/7, but that's just not the case. The quiet isn't distracting. God can speak to us in the quiet.
But, I know you're thinking, "Gabe! I am in the busiest part of motherhood yet, or I feel like I am. How in the world can I find even 5 minutes for white space in my life?"
I hear ya, and I'm right with you. I felt the same way. Every second of my day was filled with something, and if I did have a few minutes, I'd turn on music or a podcast or scroll social. It was like quiet was my enemy because I was so used to all the noise. BUT when I let go of all the noise I created and actually made time to listen to my own thoughts, my days became more peaceful and rested — even with the busy schedule I still hold.
Want to know my 6 tips to create white space in your life and to create a little ME time in the busy-ness of motherhood? Then let's dive in!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/how-to-find-me-time-in-the-busy-ness-of-motherhood-6-tips-to-create-white-space-for-yourself-episode-140/
Ep 137: Find “ME” Time for Your Goals by Getting Started with a Simple Morning Routine - with Cason Schultz: https://redhotmindset.com/find-me-time-for-your-goals-by-getting-started-with-a-simple-morning-routine-episode-137/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![139 | Biblical Care for Moms - The Self-Care You Desperately Need to Refuel with Sasha Robertson](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Have you struggled with the idea of taking time for yourself because you’re just too busy to even think about it?
I used to feel that way too, like I had no time for myself because I was always so worried about being everything for everyone. My house was a mess, I couldn’t keep up with the household chores, my work, the kids’ activities, and I was a hot mess!
All I wanted was a little bit of me-time to refresh and refuel, but I never seemed to find it. I always put myself last. I’d say my cup was always near empty, and that’s a hard way to live.
I don’t believe I’m the only one who has struggled with taking time out to recharge, and I’m not one to do all the worldly self-care things. For me, self care means I’m filling my cup so I have something to give. It helps me be a better wife and mom and friend and worker.
That’s why today I’m bringing on my new friend Sasha to share more about what Biblical care for moms looks like, how it’s different from the world’s meaning, and how to practically implement it into our busy lives – and why we need to.
Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for moms, wife of 12 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., co-creator of the IAM coaching system, curator of the Life & Goals Planner, and host of the Intentional Abundant Life Podcast.
Let’s step into the fire with Sasha!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- FULL SHOW NOTES: https://redhotmindset.com/biblical-care-for-moms-the-self-care-you-desperately-need-to-refuel-episode-139/
- Website: https://intentionalabundance.life/
- Connect with Sasha on Instagram @SashaStarRobertson - https://www.instagram.com/sashastarrobertson/
- Connect with Sasha on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IntentionalAbundance/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![138 | Creating Systems and Routines Around Your Goal - How to Get to the Finish](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Hey Winner,
Having a goal is a great thing (and I want you to have one), but without some systems or routines in place to create the space for you to work on it, you may never get to the finish line you were hoping for.
I remember back to early motherhood when I first began really dreaming again and creating goals around those dreams. I always felt so disorganized, and all I wanted was to find a way to change that so I could find time to do something for myself and focus on a goal that could make an impact. I knew I had just as much time as everyone else, but I had a hard time creating systems or routines that could help me accomplish this.
Over the years, I've figured out a few things and really dedicated myself to understanding how to create systems that work for the busy motherhood season I'm in, and now I want to share them with you.
What do these systems look like, what are the top 3 I recommend having, and how do you set something up like this? Well, stick around, because that's where we're going today.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/creating-systems-and-routines-around-your-goal-how-to-get-to-the-finish-episode-138/
Ep 137: Find “ME” Time for Your Goals by Getting Started with a Simple Morning Routine - with Cason Schultz: https://redhotmindset.com/find-me-time-for-your-goals-by-getting-started-with-a-simple-morning-routine-episode-137/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![137 | Find “ME” Time for Your Goals by Getting Started with a Simple Morning Routine - with Cason Schulze](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
I have a confession to make. I AM a morning person! My natural clock wakes me up early, so creating a morning routine was something I learned to do early on. BUT, I know many of you mamas are in a season of life where you’re staying up late or maybe even getting up a few times a night with littles, and you don’t want to set that alarm any earlier than you have to.
My friend Cason was the same way. She tried for years to be a morning person and wake up an hour earlier than she needed to, but she could never stay consistent with it – which ultimately led her to feeling like a failure.
But, she found out a little secret. The key for her to maintain a morning routine was to start small and build from there.
Cason Schulze is a wife, girl mom of 3, speaker, mentor, and host of Her Pursuit, a top-ranked podcast for moms. She helps moms simplify routines to create more time for themselves.
She does this by equipping moms with tools to create an intentional life they're proud of so they can confidently show up as the women and mothers God created them to be. Cason believes when we partner with God and take tiny steps of action, our lives will be transformed and reflect the abundant life God promises us, regardless of our season in motherhood.
If you’re looking for ways to find more time for yourself, then keep on listening!
Let’s step into the fire with Cason!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/find-me-time-for-your-goals-by-getting-started-with-a-simple-morning-routine-episode-137/
- Cason's Website: herpursuit.co
- Her Pursuit Podcast: bit.ly/herpursuit
- Connect with Cason on Instagram @heyitscason – https://instagram.com/heyitscason
- Connect with Cason on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/herpursuit
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![Ep 136 | How to Set Simple Goals that You WILL FINISH in the Season of Life You are in](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Hey Winner,
So, you want to go after a goal, but you are a busy mama and you have too much on your plate. You feel the stirring to do something for yourself that can have a larger impact, but you are overwhelmed by the thought of adding this massive feat into your day. How will it come together in the season of life that you're in right now? How can you possibly hold it together and find time to do the thing?
All you need is a plan to set a simple goal in the season you are in. Your dream may be huge and seem impossible, but if it's a dream from God, it's your purpose work, and He will turn the impossible into reality if you take action and walk in it. But, in order to do that, you will need to cater your action plan to the season of motherhood you are in. Those precious children are your first mission field, but you can add this in, I promise!
All you need to do is ask, "How can I work toward this God-given goal simply?" We'll answer that question today, so stick around!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/how-to-set-simple-goals-that-you-will-finish-in-the-season-of-life-you-are-in-episode-136/
- Mind Over Marathon: Taking Goals from Start to Finish in the Race of Life -- https://redhotmindset.com/mind-over-marathon/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![Ep 135 | Are Goals the Same as Dreams? The Main Differences Between a Goal and a Dream, and Why You Need Both!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Hey Winner,
God is the originator of the dreams in our heart. He gives us the desires to fulfill our purpose. Dare to dream. Dare to let others see you as a bit crazy. Dare to not fit in.
Joseph’s brothers ridiculed him—even sold him off—because he was a dreamer. Yet, he eventually became second to Pharaoh and saved the land from a massive famine—all because he was a dreamer and allowed God to flow through him.
Dream a dream large enough that you need God’s help to accomplish it. A dream big enough that you can’t take the credit for the finished product, a dream where God receives the glory.
Dreams are so so important! But what is the difference between a dream and a goal, and how do these two connect (or do they)? How can we actually turn our dream into a finish-line goal?
That's what we're diving into today, so let's get chatting!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/are-goals-the-same-as-dreams-the-main-differences-between-a-goal-and-a-dream-and-why-you-need-both-episode-135/
- Mind Over Marathon: Taking Goals from Start to Finish in the Race of Life -- https://redhotmindset.com/mind-over-marathon/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![Ep 134 | Give God Your Goals and Daily To-Do List and Let HIM Lead](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Ep 134 | Give God Your Goals and Daily To-Do List and Let HIM Lead
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Hey Winner,
Do you have a never-ending to-do list that you can’t catch a break from? Are you feeling stuck in the lie that there is never enough time in the day to get all the things done you need to? And where is the time for yourself? That gets put on the back burner AGAIN because of all the things on your list that demand your attention.
Mama, I’ve BEEN there. I’m still there at times, but when I let go of that long honey-do list I created for myself and let God lead my schedule my day flows so much more smoothly and I have more peace – yes, I’m serious, like I tell him all the things I need to get done and then hand it over to him.
Today we'll talk about 3 things you need to give to God when it comes to your to-do list!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
Full show notes: https://redhotmindset.com/give-god-your-goals-and-daily-to-do-list-and-let-him-lead-episode-134/
- Mind Over Marathon: Taking Goals from Start to Finish in the Race of Life
Connect with Michelle: Loves7Grace
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
![Ep 133 | Feel Like You’re Being Attacked? It’s Proof You’re Close to Your Breakthrough, Don’t Stop!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/7767628/PGGW_Cover_20257lajb_300x300.png)
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Hey Winner,
Are you feeling discouraged because challenges keep coming? When you feel like you made it through one, another one or two or three presents itself, and it's overwhelming wondering how you'll push past again? Maybe it seems like you take one step forward but two steps back, and all you want to do is throw in the towel because it seems easier that way.
Well, I had a week like that last week, but I also heard God's whispers saying, keep going! You're closer than you think! Be thankful in the attacks because it means your breakthrough is right around the corner.
So if you need some encouragement to keep going, keep listening!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/