Have you thought about finally starting that business now that your kids are older? Do you ever stay awake wondering how to mesh your passions into purposeful work? Do you have big, ambitious goals, but feel overwhelmed or even unqualified to pursue them? Do you desire simplicity and a life without hurry, but you still want to pursue your goals? With inflation skyrocketing, you may be feeling the need to make some extra money to take the pressure off at home or just to have fun money again, and you’re also ready to make an impact outside your home bubble. Turning your knowledge into an online business sounds like a great side hustle to consider. But... you don’t want to sacrifice your family time, and you have no idea where to start! It sounds simple enough, but you’re asking yourself if you’re good enough, if you know enough, if people will want what you have to offer, and if you have what it takes to make something like this work for you in the season you’re in. Well, in this podcast, I will help you clarify your goals and teach you how to use your interests to define your purpose. I’ll help you create systems so you can find the time you need to take action. You’ll learn how to create an atmosphere of simplicity and a life without hurry by setting boundaries, decluttering your schedule and mind, and ditching the distractions so you can finally be present right where you are while growing a successful online business. I have no doubt that you can both make an impact and money all while enjoying what you do. My ultimate mission is to help you step into the fire of refinement so God can mold and shape you into a woman ready to tackle the vision He placed in your heart. If you’re ready to say yes to what’s next and get unstuck, you’re in the right place. Hey, I’m Gabe. A wife, mom, writer, runner, and Jesus lover! For years I put my dreams on the shelf thinking I had to sacrifice my own desires for motherhood. I thought I needed to be everything to everyone, but in the process I lost myself. I felt so scattered because I had way too many things on my plate, and I made all the excuses! What I realize now, after hitting a massive goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, is that my kids need me to pursue my own goals so I can be their best example. They need to see me win - and yours do too! As a running enthusiast, I believe life is one massive marathon, so if you’re ready to turn your passion and purpose into impact and income all for the glory of God, then lace up those running shoes, pop in your ear buds, and let’s do this thing! Step into the fire with me because I know you will come out stronger. Topics: simple goal planning, setting goals you’ll take action on, online business strategy, simplified business organization, action taking that works Learn - https://redhotmindset.com Grow: https://redhotmindset.newzenler.com/f/rhm-newsletter Community: https://redhotmindset.com/rha
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Ep 251 | Do you have a process to work through your doubts?
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Hey Winner,
I'd say in the last week I've had a few doubts...
- Is this really where God wants me?
- Is my message resonating with anyone?
- Is this just too hard to make work right now?
- Am I good enough?
How about you? Can you relate?
Maybe you're asking, "But, Gabe, how can you have those questions when you have a successful business?"
Because we all do! 😉
No matter how large our businesses grow, or no matter how many goals we crush, these questions and doubts still creep in. It's what we do with them that matters.
Do you dwell on them? Or do you have a process for overcoming them and moving forward? Let's talk about it.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Hey Winner,
If you’re anything like me, you have a lot of roles and a lot of things on your plate that you juggle on a daily basis. With all the kid activities, work responsibilities, trying to keep up with the home management, how in the world can we add working on our online business into the mix while still maintaining any kind of balance?
Well, that’s exactly what Sasha Star Robertson and I are going to be discussing today. We’re going to lay out a plan for you to help you create a balanced schedule as a woman entrepreneur, and we’ll include what this can look like with limiting social media or getting off entirely.
We’ll walk through how to do a time evaluation, how to budget your time, allocating it in places where you want to be spending it, how to decide where social media fits into your schedule (if at all), important places to spend your time in business activities, and how to structure your days in a flexible way with time blocking, routines, and rhythms.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Craft Your Marketing Strategy Without Social Media (free mini course): https://redhotmindset.com/marketing/
- Sasha's website: https://intentionalabundance.life
- Rock your month calendar: https://intentionalabundance.life/rockyourmonth
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Join the Red Hot Accountability Club: https://redhotmindset.com/rha/
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Ep 249 | Can I Start a Business WITHOUT Social Media?
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Hey Winner,
I'm excited to share my social media story with you today. I did this interview with Rashidat Odeyemi on her YouTube channel, and I thought I should bring it to you as well.
We walk through:
- Why I chose to get off social media for life and business
- Top three ways I connect with my target audience since I'm off social
- How to be flexible with your business growth
Enjoy this fun conversation with Rashidat!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Craft Your Marketing Strategy Without Social Media (free mini course): https://redhotmindset.com/marketing/
- Register for the Grow Your Biz Without Social virtual event: https://redhotmindset.com/gbws-register/
- Rashidat's Website: YourDreamStrategist.com
- Rashidat's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EF4vpMD1PjSLCmxSLsKeQ?sub_confirmation=1
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Hey Winner,
Are you sick of feeling like you HAVE to be on social media for business marketing? Are you tired of trying to grow your business the hustle-culture way? Are you longing for deeper relationships rather than fleeting ones in your scroll. Are you ready to use social media how you want (or not at all)?
Then I want to invite you to the Grow Your Biz Without Social virtual event (FREE!) I'm hosting from April 22-26. It's totally free, and you can attend from the comfort of your home! https://redhotmindset.com/gbws-register/
You will walk away from this event feeling empowered to spend intentional time where you want to in business and will have the tools to either 1) get off social media for good or 2) limit it to what you actually want to do on social rather than all the “have-to-dos.”
Listen in for more details about the virtual event!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Register for the free Grow Your Biz Without Social virtual event (April 22-26): https://redhotmindset.com/gbws-register/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Hey Winner,
When social media marketing started, Faith Hanan was all over that and poured so much time and effort into it, only to realize that she couldn’t sustainably do that and maintain the type of boundaries and presence that she wanted for herself and her family. So she took those same skills that she was using on social media and poured them into sustainable marketing in terms of SEO content.
And that’s why today I wanted her to come on the show to share more about how we can do SEO simply, so that it doesn’t have to be this big scary thing. She’s going to break it down for us, and we’ll be talking about why building on ground that you own is way more sustainable in the long run than social media marketing and what great keyword research looks like, as that’s the foundation of great SEO.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Grow Your Biz Without Social virtual event (FREE! April 22-26): https://redhotmindset.com/gbws-register/
- Faith's website: https://faithhanan.com/
- Simple SEO and marketing podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/simple-seo-and-marketing-business-growth-organic/id1625600727
- 7 SEO & Content Tips to Survive & Thrive During the Google Core Updates: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-166-7-seo-content-tips-to-survive-thrive-during/id1625600727?i=1000651171391
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Hey Winner,
In Nehemiah 6, those opposed to the wall did everything they could to get Nehemiah to stop the project. And the enemy does the same thing to us in our own projects.
First, he'll try to destroy us. If he can't destroy us, he'll try to distract us. If he can't distract us, he'll try to discourage us. And if he can't discourage us, he'll try to deceive us. How do we discern the enemy's tricks and stay obedient to the work God has called us to do?
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Ep 245 | How Do I Know I'm Pursuing Goals God's Way? 4 Steps to Be Sure
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Hey Winner,
Do you ever question the dreams you have or the goals you're pursuing? Do you wonder if they're really God-given or if you just think you're supposed to do them? Do you get weary as you go through the motions? Do you wish you knew that you were working in your calling?
Dreaming is a God-given blessing! He wants us to dream. He wants us to have a purpose. He wants to use us to build the kingdom even larger! God wants to resurrect a dream that's been squashed in your life. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint." Having a dream, having a vision, is a good thing!
So how do we do this? How do we determine the dreams we have are God-given? How do we know that we're on the right track? Today we'll talk about the 4 steps to know that you're pursuing Goals God's way and not in your own way.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Ep 244 | 4 ways to help others handle opposition & discouragement [DEVO]
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Hey Winner,
In Nehemiah 5 we notice that the Jews become discouraged once again and our struggling to build the wall of Jerusalem. They know the wall is for their own good and protection, but they're struggling to make means meet in the meantime.
They're mortgaging their fields and even selling their kids to slavery to pay the debts they owed. The poor were being oppressed and charged exorbitant amounts o interest, which was, mind you, forbidden by the law of that time. This led to more disappointment for the Jews, and many were ready to give up.
So what did Nehemiah do?
He spoke truth
He took responsibility
He made things right
He blessed others with his wealth
Let's talk about it!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Hey Winner,
At the peak of his career in the automotive industry, Rich had to give it up due to chronic health challenges, and it left him wondering, "What's next?" He wants to make an impact with the gifts God has given him. He’s feeling the nudge to make waves in the car and homesteading industries, but he was struggling to catch the vision for where to go first.
What were the biggest challenges standing in the way of his biggest goals? How did he get unstuck and create a plan of action that would work for him? What made Finish Line Goals a pivotal piece of the puzzle for him? We’re answering all those questions and more in this episode.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
- Finish Line Goals: https://redhotmindset.com/flg/
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Ep 242 | Build Your Wall in the Midst of Opposition and Distraction [Devo]
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Hey Winner,
What do you do when opposition comes your way? You are on the path you wholeheartedly believe God wants you on, but it seems every way you turn, you come up against a stumbling block or some type of distraction trying to get you to stop.
In Nehemiah 4:1-6, the Israelites came up against opposition as they were working on the wall. And two things happened that I want to talk about today: 1) Rather than complaining or gossiping, Nehemiah prayed and 2) the Israelites responded by "building the wall." Let's talk about it!
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
➡️ Website: https://redhotmindset.com
➡️ Simplicity & Motherhood online community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamas
➡️ Free workshop: 3 pillars to setting and crushing goals in a stress-less, no hustle way https://redhotmindset.com/goals/
➡️ Free workshop: Turn your knowledge into a coaching offer to make both an impact and an income! https://redhotmindset.com/coach/